Susquehanna University Sustainability Web Package

Many of today’s prospective college students are interested in sustainability issues. Susquehanna University, in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, has a lot going on regarding environmental stewardship and it rightfully wanted its website to accurately reflect that. I previously wrote a 2015 cover story for SU’s Currents magazine on the university’s Freshwater Research Initiative, an SU-led consortium of universities and agencies studying the health of the Susquehanna River watershed. As a result, the University Communications office felt I was a logical choice to pull together their sustainability web package.

The assignment involved reviewing copy that already existed, interviewing several administrators and students who were extensively involved in sustainability projects, and creating new and revised copy. The resulting smartly designed web package offers a comprehensive but easily digestible survey that includes:

  • academic programs and research
  • a switch to natural gas heating that resulted in an 80 percent reduction of the university’s carbon footprint; and
  • various examples of student engagement, including recycling efforts and a student-run garden that grows fresh produce for local children and adults in need of good quality food.

To view SU’s sustainability web content, please click here.


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